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Committed to Beauty and Wellness

DERMAPEN® Collagen Induction Therapy (C.I.T) is designed to reverse years of skin wrinkling, sun damage, hyperpigmentation and acne scarring. The DERMAPEN® is a medical grade state of the art medical micro needling pen, whose medical grade micro needles create hundreds of tiny micro channels through the epidermis into the deeper dermis. During this procedure, tiny needles are used to create controlled micro-injuries to the skin in order to produce collagen and elastin. The skins repair process results in a thicker dermis with the appearance of softer wrinkles.

DERMAPEN® treatment significantly improves the appearance of facial and decolletage lines and wrinkles, sun damaged and ageing skin, acne scars and stretch marks has never been easier thanks to the innovative and award- winning non-surgical skin regeneration procedure. DERMAPEN® offers good results without the inconvenient down time that comes with more aggressive laser treatments and medium and deep chemical peels. The procedure u ses tiny micro-medical skin-needles to stimulate the skin, encouraging regeneration and repair, leaving you with smoother, brighter, healthier, younger-looking skin.

DERMAPEN® also creates superficial micro- channels which allow topical gels, creams and serums to be absorbed more effectively into the skin. The treatment is good for the repair of acne scars, for skin rejuvenation of the face, neck, decolletage and the back of the hands and for the treatment of stretch marks affecting the thighs and the abdomen.

Ideal For

Acne scars

Surgical scars

Burn scars

Stretch marks

Anti-wrinkle treatment

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